The relationship between cleaner and more sustainable means for energy conversion, storage and conservation, and the materials that enable them, is one of powerful history, growth, and hope. It is a story of strengthening passion, but also fragility, with tremendous future potential if the relationship is properly nurtured. It is, at its core, a love story. How did the relationship begin, where is it now, and how will it play out? Its solidly materialistic underpinning may appear simple, but as we will see materialism can be highly complicated as it relates to energy. Will this relationship between materials and energy continue burning, albeit passionately but at great cost on a planetary scale? Or will it mature into a deeper, more diverse, and more subtle connection that enables nothing less than the continued thriving of all living species? Subject can count toward 9-unit discovery-focused credit limit for first-year students. Preference to first-year students.