March 12, 2020
Reflections from the Net Impact Conference

MITASC member Tessa Weiss went to the 2019 Net Impact Conference and was exposed for the first time to sustainability directors driving change from within companies.

January 21, 2020
Modelling marine microplastics: international workshop explores new challenges

A November conference at MIT brought together world experts in theoretical and numerical modelling to consider the problem of microplastic pollution.

December 26, 2019
Reflections from Net Impact 2019: Understanding how to apply my MIT education

MITASC member Kelly Wu shares her thoughts on translating her values into real-world change after attending the 2019 Net Impact Conference in Detroit.

December 19, 2019
Impressions from COP25 in Madrid

ESI's Sarah Meyers shares her experience of attending the U.N.'s headline climate change negotiations for the first time.

December 18, 2019
MIT students ask local climate activists about the hard work of politics and persuasion

The student-moderated panel "Overcoming Challenges of Climate Policy" covered street protests, campus campaigns, voter mobilization, lobbying and more.

December 17, 2019
ESI Wins GEF Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation

An ESI project using drones to monitor climate risks in the Colombian Amazon will receive a seed grant from the Global Environment Facility, while providing data to direct micro-financing loans to local businesses conserving the rainforest.

December 16, 2019
The uncertain role of natural gas in the transition to clean energy

ESI seed grant recipient Jessika Trancik digs into the difficult-to-quantify role of methane as a greenhouse gas.

December 6, 2019
Making buildings from industrial waste

ESI seed grant recipient Elsa Olivetti combs through the waste products of heavy industry to find novel building materials.

December 5, 2019
Understanding the impact of deep-sea mining

Mining materials from the sea floor could help secure a low-carbon future, but before this becomes a big business, ESI seed grant recipient Tom Peacock is racing to understand the environmental effects.

November 25, 2019
Student Spotlight: Peter Godart

2019 Martin Fellow Peter Godart is developing a system that would use aluminum debris to desalinate water while also generating energy in the wake of natural disasters.

November 20, 2019
One Thing You Can Do: Know Your Climate Facts

The New York Times Climate Fwd: newsletter listed our podcast, TILclimate, as one of ten resources to "refresh your understanding of our warming planet" this Thanksgiving holiday.

November 15, 2019
Inside ESI’s “Modelling Plastics in the Oceans” Workshop

The ESI Plastics and the Environment Program convened a workshop of modellers and field researchers at MIT to discuss the behavior of plastic pollution in oceans and waterways.

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