ESI Director John Fernández writes an open letter to President Trump in the Boston Globe.
New insights gained by MIT scientists into the role of water vapor may help researchers predict how the planet will respond to warming.
John Fernández welcomes the new class of MIT undergraduates and provides updates on ESI's seed grants program and Environment & Sustainability Minor.
John Fernández addresses a period of transition for ESI, with new hires and new program areas.
Climate Changed Symposium combines art and science to envision the global food system under climate change.
Six MIT student groups and the ESI team gathered on the McDermott Dot for the third annual Environmental Solutions Initiative Earth Day Celebration.
John Fernández introduces four new program areas for concerted ESI research efforts.
Lawrence Susskind and Gabriella Carolini’s ESI Seed Grant funds research into water affordability in American cities.
Governments around the world are preparing to implement their 2050 emissions reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement
MIT researchers develop a system that harvests drinkable water out of desert air. The device was recently successfully field tested in Tempe, Arizona.
MIT Sloan School of Management is launching a pilot program to purchase carbon offsets for study tours during spring break 2018.
MIT Energy Initiative and Commonwealth Fusion Systems launch a research plan to create a fusion power plant within the next 15 years.