March 12, 2018
Urban heat island effects depend on a city’s layout

The blueprint of a city's arrangement determines how heat builds up in the area. In a project supported by the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub, Researchers found that "crystalline" structured cities build up less heat than traditional grid-like cities.

February 26, 2018
Solving for carbon neutrality at MIT

Julie Newman and Tim Gutowski have teamed up to offer a new class tackling the carbon issue on campus head-on.

February 22, 2018
System draws power from daily temperature swings

A team at MIT has come up with a novel way to convert temperature fluctuations into electrical power.

February 22, 2018
Energy-efficient encryption for the internet of things

MIT researchers have built a new chip, hardwired for public-key encryption, that consumes 1/400 as much power as software execution of the same protocols.

February 22, 2018
Intensive agriculture influences U.S. regional summer climate, study finds

MIT and Dartmouth researchers report an increase in corn and soybean production in the Midwest that may have led to cooler, wetter summers there.

February 22, 2018
Cities of the future may be built with locally available volcanic ash

MIT engineers working with scientists in Kuwait have found that volcanic rocks can be used as a sustainable additive in concrete structures.

February 1, 2018
Letter from the Director: February 2018

John Fernández shares the long view of ESI's international partnerships.

January 25, 2018
Turning heat into electricity

MIT researchers are hoping to turn heat from the sun into electricity that could potentially cool your house.

January 25, 2018
Cleaner air, longer lives

A new study raises the estimate of how many lives have been saved by EPA regulation of particulate air pollution.

January 25, 2018
A new approach to rechargeable batteries

A type of battery first invented nearly 50 years ago could catapult to the forefront of energy storage technologies, thanks to a new finding by MIT researchers.

January 19, 2018
Metro Lab Initiative Course 2018

MIT Metro Lab and the MIT ESI hold a peer-learning course revolving around the creation of the "Metropolitan Discipline."

January 17, 2018
Microfibers & microplastics: a brief summary

A workshop organized by ESI and MIT Office of Corporate Relations dives into the topic of microfibers and microplastics.

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